Wallwisher? Wish to stick a note on the wall?
What is Wallwisher?
Wallwisher (http://www.wallwisher.com/) is a free Web 2.0 tool. As indicated by its name, it allows users to build a colorful 'wall' of a given topic, and anyone who get access to the wall can 'stick notes' on it. You can share a text, website, an image and even a vedio with Wallwisher notes!
Here is a tutorial vedio to help you quickly learn how to use Wallwisher.
The reasons for choosing Wallwisher for ELT?
- Wallwisher is free and easy to use.
- The wall built is colorful, eye-catching and can be edited, thus motivating for students, the young learners in particular.
- The employment of Wallwisher in ELT classroom is a practical materialisation of the learning theory of constructivism, since every learner has an opportunity to contribute to the knowledge, share the learning resources with peer students and teachers, etc.
- The sharing function is powerful and cater well for the users' needs.

A demo wall (http://www.wallwisher.com/demo)
- It can be used both in and outside of the class, making e-collaboration and e-learning more easily.
- To use Wallwisher as the sharing and discussion platform in the class requires a well-equipped modern classroom with internet access and one computer for each student, or at least one computer for each group.
- To show the name of the notes' owner, Wallwisher requires the users to regester with a valid email address, which may annoy some people who are conservative to reveal personal information.
- The wall can possibly be completely messed up when too many people post their notes, and it is really hard to orgnise the messy notes again.
- Using Wallwisher in a speaking class-- A story telling activity
- Using Wallwisher in a reading class -- Put the disorganised reading materials in the right order
- Using Wallwisher in the writing class -- An ice-breaking or brainstorm tool
- Using Wallwisher as the discussion board in and outside of the class
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